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abortDecode() — method, class com.worlize.gif.GIFDecoder
abortDecode() — method, class com.worlize.gif.GIFFrame
achievementsList() — method, class IDNET
List all achievements setup at id.net.
achievementsSave(achName:String, achKey:String, playerName:String, overwrite:Boolean, allowDuplicates:Boolean) — method, class IDNET
When a player has reached a milestone, save an achievement to their account.
activeColorTable — Property, class com.worlize.gif.GIFDecoder
add(... rest) — method, class com.jimisaacs.utils.Parameters
addField(name:String, value:String) — method, class com.jonas.net.Multipart
addFields(fields:Object) — method, class com.jonas.net.Multipart
addFile(name:String, byteArray:flash.utils:ByteArray, mimeType:String, fileName:String) — method, class com.jonas.net.Multipart
addObj(obj:Object) — method, class com.jimisaacs.utils.Parameters
addParam(name:any, value:any) — method, class com.jimisaacs.utils.Parameters
addParam(name:any, value:any) — method, class com.jimisaacs.utils.QueryParameters
advancedScoreList(table:String, highest:Boolean, allowDuplicates:Boolean, useMilliseconds:Boolean) — method, class IDNET
List scores using the advanced scores.
advancedScoreListCustom(table:String, mode:String, perPage:int, page:int, highest:Boolean, allowDuplicates:Boolean) — method, class IDNET
List scores using the advanced scores and a custom interface.
advancedScoreListPlayer(table:String, highest:Boolean, allowDuplicates:Boolean) — method, class IDNET
List the player's score(s).
AdvancedScoreMode — class, package ID.constants
advancedScoreSubmit(points:int, table:String, playerName:String, highest:Boolean, allowDuplicates:Boolean) — method, class IDNET
Submit a id.net player's score using the advanced scores
advancedScoreSubmitList(points:int, table:String, playerName:String, highest:Boolean, allowDuplicates:Boolean, useMilliseconds:Boolean) — method, class IDNET
Submit a guest or id.net player's score using the advanced scores and toggle interface A guest will be given a register to submit button that will cache their score.
ALL_TIME — Constant Static Property, class ID.constants.AdvancedScoreMode
api(options:Object) — method, class ID.Multiplayer
appAuthCode — Property, class com.worlize.gif.blocks.ApplicationExtension
APP_AUTH_CODE — Constant Static Property, class com.worlize.gif.blocks.NetscapeExtension
appExtension — Property, class com.worlize.gif.blocks.NetscapeExtension
appid — Property, class ID.Multiplayer
appIdentifier — Property, class com.worlize.gif.blocks.ApplicationExtension
APP_IDENTIFIER — Constant Static Property, class com.worlize.gif.blocks.NetscapeExtension
APPLICATION_EXT — Constant Static Property, class com.worlize.gif.constants.BlockType
ApplicationExtension — class, package com.worlize.gif.blocks
asyncDecodeError — Event, class com.worlize.gif.GIFDecoder
asyncDecodeError — Event, class com.worlize.gif.GIFFrame
asyncDecodeError — Event, class com.worlize.gif.GIFPlayer
ASYNC_DECODE_ERROR — Constant Static Property, class com.worlize.gif.events.AsyncDecodeErrorEvent
AsyncDecodeErrorEvent — class, package com.worlize.gif.events
AsyncDecodeErrorEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, text:String, id:int) — Constructor, class com.worlize.gif.events.AsyncDecodeErrorEvent
autologin() — method, class ID.Y8
autologin_address — Constant Static Property, class ID.IdNetUrlConfig
autoPlay — Property, class com.worlize.gif.GIFPlayer
autoReconnect — Property, class ID.Multiplayer
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