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Saves — class, package ID |
| |
Saves(idnet:IDNET) — Constructor, class ID.Saves |
| |
score_address — Constant Static Property, class ID.IdNetUrlConfig |
| |
Scoreboard — class, package ID.view |
| |
Scoreboard() — Constructor, class ID.view.Scoreboard |
| |
scoreboard_address — Constant Static Property, class ID.IdNetUrlConfig |
| |
search — Property, class com.jimisaacs.data.URL |
| |
sendObject(obj:Object) — method, class ID.SimpleSocket |
| |
sendTo(userid:String, message:Object) — method, class ID.Multiplayer |
| |
setData(key:String, val:any) — method, class ID.CloudStorage |
| |
setFlowStep(step:int) — method, class ID.view.RegisterBox |
| |
setPermissions(permissions:Array) — method, class ID.view.RegisterBox |
| |
setProperty(name:any, value:any) — method, class com.jimisaacs.utils.Parameters |
setReady(newValue:Boolean) — method, class com.worlize.gif.GIFPlayer |
| |
setStepCount(steps:int) — method, class ID.StepCount |
| |
SHA256 — class, package com |
| |
SimpleSocket — class, package ID |
| |
SimpleSocket(host:String, port:int, idnet:IDNET, onReadyCB:Function, mp:ID:Multiplayer) — Constructor, class ID.SimpleSocket |
| |
smoothing — Property, class com.worlize.gif.GIFPlayer |
| |
socket — Property, class ID.Multiplayer |
| |
socketClosed(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class ID.SimpleSocket |
| |
socketConnected(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class ID.SimpleSocket |
| |
socketData(event:flash.events:ProgressEvent) — method, class ID.SimpleSocket |
| |
socketError(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class ID.SimpleSocket |
| |
SocketMessageEvent — class, package ID |
| |
SocketMessageEvent(type:String, message:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Constructor, class ID.SocketMessageEvent |
| |
sponsorChecked — Property, class ID.Protection |
| |
StepCount — class, package ID |
| |
steps — Property, class ID.StepCount |
| |
stop() — method, class com.worlize.gif.GIFPlayer |
| |
submit(target:flash.display:DisplayObject, ext:String, idnet:IDNET, session:String, drawRectangle:flash.geom:Rectangle) — method, class ID.ProfileImage |
| |
submit_address — Constant Static Property, class ID.IdNetUrlConfig |
| |
submitProfileImage(target:flash.display:DisplayObject, ext:String, drawRectangle:flash.geom:Rectangle) — method, class IDNET |
Submits an image to the id.net user's profile
submitUserData(key:String, data:any, passThroughKey:String) — method, class ID.Saves |
Submit user's data
submitUserData(key:String, data:any, passThroughKey:String) — method, class IDNET |
Submit user's data
switchServer(host:String, port:int) — method, class ID.SimpleSocket |
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