Protect your games from malicious sites by using the Protection API. We maintain a blacklist of sites that are known cheaters in the online gaming community. By using the Protection API, you help incentivize site operators to publish your content in a fair way. By default all sites can access your swf normally. So in the event the blacklist can’t be loaded, your game will still work.
Protection Usage
Next, catch the event that tells your game when the blacklist in loaded. This is done by adding another if statement to the handleSDK method.
private function handleSDK(e:Event) {
if( sdk.type == 'protection'){
// Show movie clip and disable game
Finally, create a movieclip that explains why a game is blocked. Also add a highlightable link to a good place to play the game. The movieclip should be shown when isBlacklisted returns true.
Sponsor Usage
The isSponsor function in the Protection class is used to detect when a game is being played on the Y8 network. This is useful for a game that needs to be site-locked to the network or that needs special features while being played on the network. We ask developers to use this because it will test for iframes and hotlinking.
Assuming you have followed the above instructions for enabling protection, add the isSponsor method.
private function handleSDK(e:Event) {
if( sdk.type == 'protection'){
Lastly, use the Game Testing Service to make sure the game works as expected.