For Y8 and Y8 Account branding, we have prepared a simple Drag & Drop setup for unity developers. Using this will make it easier to implement the required branding.

NOTE: Make sure to use SDK version 1.7.6 or above. Get the latest version on the download page.


Drag the needed logo prefabs from Assets > Branding > Prefabs and drop into the scene you want the branding on. The main menu, gameover screen, and maybe others will need branding.

Make sure to position the logo prefabs to the appropriate places. For example, the TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft, BottomRight. Do it by changing Rect Transform & its Anchor of child gameobjects of the logo prefabs canvas (child gameObject name starts with Branding_).

Branding Test

How It Works


  • Y8 Network - Y8 Logo will not be clickable on Y8 network with no Mouse OnHover effect.
  • Outside Y8 network - Y8 logo will have a Mouse OnHover effect and will open Y8 in a new tab.

More Games

  • Y8 Network - The more games button will be automatically hidden.
  • Outside Y8 network - The more games button will open a new tab and have a hover effect.